In 2007, USLAW established a mutual relationship with TELFA, the Trans-European Law Firm Alliance, a network of over 30 independent law firms in Europe representing more than 1,000 lawyers.

TELFA was founded in 1989 and born out of the need to serve clients doing business across the jurisdictions of Europe. Through the sustained commitment of its members, TELFA has become one of the strongest alliances of independent law firms in Europe.

The fact that the member firms of TELFA are independent offers clients a flexible alternative to the global law firm model, in which internal pressures sometimes compete with the needs of client service. TELFA’s focus is on client service through the provision of quality legal advice, which can be managed by the member firm in the client’s jurisdiction, or the client can go direct to the member firm in the foreign jurisdiction(s) in which the client has the need for advice.

TELFA’s vision is to create and maintain a network of independent law firms that share a similar ethos. TELFA member firms do not “sell products”, rather they build relationships with their clients so as to become trusted advisers allowing us to serve our clients more effectively.

Just as the foundation of good service for our clients is built on strong personal relationships, it is the same among the lawyers who make up the membership of TELFA. The lawyers in TELFA get to know one another both professionally, through working together on client assignments, and socially – a UK client needing advice and assistance in Germany, is likely to be told “You need to see my friend Jasper in Berlin…”.


Insights from across Europe (2021 and beyond)

Tune in as TELFA member firms share insights and boots-on-the-ground knowledge regarding the latest legal happenings impacting general business in select global markets. In each brief video clip, TELFA members will share specifics from their jurisdiction, inform on the latest country-specific legal decisions, and outline what the landscape looks like. (from October 2020)

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