Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Chris Torrens
Vice President
795 Cromwell Park Drive, Suite N
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: (800) 635-9507
Ami Dwyer, Esq.
General Counsel
795 Cromwell Park Drive Suite N
Glen Burnie, MD 12061
Phone: 800-635-9507
Dick Basom
Manager, Regional Business Development
7001 Buffalo Parkway
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Phone: 800-782-6851
S-E-A is proud to be the exclusive sponsor of technical forensic engineering and legal visualization services for USLAW NETWORK.
A powerful resource in litigation for more than 50 years, S-E-A is a multi-disciplined forensic engineering, fire investigation and visualization services company specializing in failure analysis. S-E-A’s full-time staff consists of licensed/registered professionals who are experts in their respective fields. S-E-A offers complete investigative services, including: mechanical, biomechanical, electrical, civil and materials engineering, as well as fire investigation, industrial hygiene, toxicology, visualization services, and health sciences—along with a fully equipped chemical laboratory. These disciplines interact to provide thorough and independent analysis that will support any subsequent litigation.
S-E-A’s expertise in failure analysis doesn’t end with investigation and research. Should animations, graphics, or medical illustrations be needed, S-E-A’s Imaging Sciences/Animation Practice can prepare accurate demonstrative pieces for litigation support. The company’s on-staff engineers and graphics professionals coordinate their expertise and can make a significant impact in assisting a judge, mediator or juror in understanding the complex principles and nuances of a case. S-E-A can provide technical drawings, camera-matching technology, motion capture for biomechanical analysis and accident simulation, and 3D laser scanning and fly-through technology for scene documentation and preservation. In addition, S-E-A can prepare scale models of products, buildings or scenes made by professional model builders or using 3D printing technology, depending on the application.
You only have one opportunity to present your case at trial. The work being done at S-E-A is incredibly important to us and to our clients – because a case isn’t made until it is understood. Please visit to see our capabilities and how we can help you effectively communicate your position.