Insurance Law

USLAW brings together more than 60 law firms with deep experience evaluating, assessing, and litigating insurance coverage and bad faith claims. We can offer clients seamless access to competent, quality counsel throughout the United States and around the world. Our member firms provide clients with the complete spectrum of services in this area, from initial coverage opinions on new claims through trial and appeals.


As a practice group, we are able to aggregate our decades of experience handling insurance and bad faith claims. Our focus is to provide our clients with access to a team of top coverage and bad faith counsel that are dedicated to help provide solutions to our clients’ most pressing coverage and bad faith needs, with high-quality “boots on the ground” in whatever jurisdiction necessary. In addition, we seek to provide our clients with the tools to stay abreast of important coverage opinions and significant court decisions across the country and the world, tapping into the seamless USLAW network of lawyers.

Because of our group members’ experience and depth in this area, individual attorneys in the USLAW insurance group are well-equipped to help insurers and insureds navigate through the process of responding to and successfully resolving any difficult claim. We are experienced in providing strategic guidance and timely counsel on all steps from the initial investigation through to final conclusion of a claim, providing particularly sensitive and experienced advice on how to successfully resolve exposures to bad faith claims. Through our decades of experience in this industry and our wide geographic footprint, we have long-standing and beneficial relationships with the many parties involved in insurance claims, including qualified experts in the fields of engineering, cause and origin experts, accident and incident reconstruction specialists, and police and fire departments, claims consultants, claims handling and bad faith experts.

Moreover, our reach and experience is further supplemented by our other colleagues in USLAW. We regularly communicate and collaborate with our peers in the USLAW Professional Liability, Transportation and Logistics, Construction, and Employment and Labor Law practice groups to create a broad forum of experienced lawyers with diverse perspectives.  Together, we develop CLE opportunities for our clients and USLAW contacts, educate our group members to ensure comprehensive and consistent counsel across our member firms, and actively engage in a dialogue that focuses on the exchange of best practices in case evaluation and case management, all of which ensures we continue to deliver the highest quality representation to our individual firm clients.


Our members’ work with insurance companies and insureds includes:

  • Medical, Legal and other Professional Malpractice claims
  • Defense of Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Wrongful death claims
  • Products liability claims
  • Premise liability claims
  • Bad faith and fraud
  • Civil rights matters
  • Employment discrimination, harassment, and wrongful discharge claims
  • First party claims, including fire and other casualty loss cases
  • Environmental damage claims
  • Toxic Torts and other long-tail claims, including issues of allocation
  • Workers’ compensation claims
  • Defense of municipalities and school districts in a broad range of matters.



Christine V. Anto

Amundsen Davis LLC
Chicago, IL
United States
Vice Chair

Amy Bradley-Waters

Pierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger & Green, L.L.P.
Tulsa, OK
United States


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PFAS: The Coming Maelstrom of Regulatory Compliance
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Liability of Internet Applications for Content Posted by Third Parties on Their Virtual Platforms
Take A Load Off: The Liability for Improper Load Securement
Is Online Jury Research Right for My Case?
Are Claims Handling Practices Keeping up with the Times?
Settlement Strategies in the Days of Mega and Nuclear Verdicts
Insurance Coverage Issues Presented by Child Victims Act Legislation
Breaking Bad Faith: Does Legislating Private Causes of Action Against Insurers Do More Harm Than Good?
When and How to Consult About Your Deposition Game Plan Without Getting a Penalty
Collateral Source Constant Confusion
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Calculating Damages in Representations and Warranties Cases
Emerging Trends in Drone Regulation and Litigation
Lessons from Surfside Implications for Property and Liability Coverage
Weathering the Storm of First Party Property Litigation
California’s Privette Doctrine
Insurance for IP Defenses and Claims
Cyber Insurance
2024 USLAW State Judicial Profiles by County
Transforming Claims Collaboration

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