Cross-Border Transactions

The USLAW Cross-Border Transactions community includes attorneys from United States, Canada, Latin America, Europe and Asia who create an immensely global resource and information-sharing environment that ensures USLAW clients receive the most relevant counsel regarding the latest trends, policies and laws within the global business arena.


As a result of our vast network around the world, USLAW Cross-Border Transactions attorneys are uniquely positioned to assist both domestic and foreign-based clients with services ranging from negotiating, structuring and implementing strategic corporate and commercial transactions and day-to-day operations. We offer guidance and representation to clients in a variety of industries, from complex contract matters to sales distribution issues to international business transactions. We know the local jurisdictions, country laws and international legal standards and best practices to counsel clients on U.S.-based or international business operations


USLAW Cross-Border Transactions attorneys represent many U.S.-based companies operating internationally and foreign-based companies with respect to their United States operations, including:

  • Corporate and individual tax planning and implementation
  • Domestic and international sale of goods and services
  • Formation and administration of closely held corporations, limited liability companies, joint ventures, partnerships, funds, start-ups, U.S. subsidiaries
  • Franchising and distributorships
  • Immigration planning and implementation
  • International contracts
  • Licensing
  • Mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, financings and recapitalizations


Browsewrap v. Clickwrap: How Enforceable Are Your Terms of Service?
Foreign Discovery – Where to Start?
The New EU Pay Transparency Directive – A Glance at Key Elements of the New Rules
Dragon’s Decree: Understanding Impact of China’s Company Law Reforms
Vital Role of Cooperation in Achieving Data Privacy Compliance
Litigating at the Netherlands Commercial Court and the Recognition and Enforcement of its Judgments
TELFA European Works Council Jurisdictional Overview (2023)
Takeaways from Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Enforcement Actions in 2022
Doing business in the Canadian Province of Quebec: What is Bill 96 and What you Need to Know About Amendments to the Charter of the French Language
The European Mobility Directive | A Dutch legal and tax perspective
New European Product Liability and AI Liability Rules on the Way
Liability of Internet Applications for Content Posted by Third Parties on Their Virtual Platforms
TELFA Whistleblower Jurisdictional Overview (2023)
The ‘‘S’’ in ESG European Union sets new legal framework for Social Governance
TELFA Country-by-Country European Corporate Structure Guide (2022)
What is an Invention Canada’s Approach to Patentable Subject Matter
Will Europe Strangulate Its Gig Economy?
Sheriffs in the C-Suite How to Conduct an Effective and Legal Corporate Investigation in Germany
Canada’s Crack Down on Data Privacy and What This Could Mean for International Business
GDPR’s Children Data Regime: The Best Interest of the Child v Commercial Interest
An Emerging Market for Cannabis in Argentina
New Act broadens possibilities for class actions in the Netherlands
EU prepares legal framework to shape AI in the workplace
Do Foreign, Non-U.S. Citizen Workers Count as “Employees” When Determining Whether Title VII Applies?
2024 USLAW State Judicial Profiles by County

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