WPDN attorneys obtain summary judgment in favor of insurance client


A Wyoming Federal Court ruled in favor of a Williams, Porter, Day, and Neville (WPDN) client represented by attorneys Erica Day, Stuart Day, and Keith Dodson.

WPDN represented an insurance company sued by a client who said that the company failed to make appropriate payments under an uninsured motorist coverage provision. The plaintiff asserted breach of contract claims and bad faith claims.

The plaintiff argued that they had underinsured motorist coverage, and the insurer breached the duty of good faith by failing to offer a policy limits settlement based on the accident.

WPDN filed a dispositive motion arguing that the plaintiffs did not meet the legal standard nor have enough facts to move the claim forward before a jury.

During a summary judgment hearing, Stuart Day argued that there was no evidence to support either claim. The court agreed and ruled in their favor.

The Honorable Judge Scott W. Skavdahl ruled that there was no evidence that the insurance company had acted inappropriately and hadn’t declined to provide coverage or payment unreasonably.

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