USLAW & TELFA to host cross border business and transactions event in Chicago

POSTED JUNE 28, 2016

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The inaugural USLAW NETWORK/ Trans-European Law Firm Alliance (TELFA) Cross Border Business and Transactions Exchange will be held in Chicago from Sept. 28-29, 2016, and will address some of the latest trends in cross-border transactions in Europe, North America and South America, with a specific focus on those legal structures most commonly used in different countries to develop business in new territories. And, following the recent Brexit vote, attendees from the UK, continental Europe and around the world will share their observations on how Brexit is affecting and will affect doing business. This Exchange is specifically designed for chief executives, general counsel and risk personnel from companies with existing international operations or those looking to expand beyond its borders.

“We are excited to partner with our European colleagues to deliver a program that will strategically guide companies as they consider going global or continue to manage the already complex world of doing business in international markets,” said Thomas L. Oliver, II, Chair of USLAW, and a founding shareholder in USLAW member firm, Carr Allison in Birmingham, Alabama. “Understanding the local laws, business practices and cultural nuances are important to the success of multinational companies and our Exchange program will highlight what you need to know to manage business outside your home country.”

TELFA member firms now have more than 700 lawyers throughout Europe.

“TELFA has a long history of working with clients who operate across international borders, both throughout Europe and beyond and we and our clients benefit greatly from our association with the USLAW NETWORK so that, together, we are able to address the important issues that challenge those responsible for businesses that operate in multiple jurisdictions,” said Richard Isham, partner at Wedlake Bell LLP in London and president of TELFA.

Program topics to include:

  • A Brexit Update
  • Entering Brave New Worlds: Strategies to Get to Market
  • Getting Out of a Comfort Zone: Doing Deals Away from Home | Corporate and M&A Transactions | Share Deals vs. Asset Deals
  • Acquisition of Financially Distressed Assets
  • Earn Out Clauses
  • Antitrust Filings and Authorizations
  • Data Privacy Issues and Concerns with International Business
  • Security and Safety Issues

For more information, click BROCHURE.

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