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USLAW NETWORK releases COVID-19 Civil Immunity Chart
USLAW NETWORK today releases a new multistate client resource that addresses civil immunity in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis for every state and Washington D.C. Keely E. Duke of Duke Evett, PLLC in Boise, Idaho, served as the author of the USLAW NETWORK COVID-19 Civil Immunity Chart.
In response to the pandemic, some jurisdictions have enacted laws to address civil immunity. Other jurisdictions already had civil immunity laws relating to public health emergencies that apply to the COVID-19 crisis. The chart examines the type of immunity conferred in each jurisdiction; whether the law requires compliance with federal, state, or local guidelines for there to be immunity; whether there are exceptions to grants of immunity; and whether there are specified limits to damages. The compendium also addresses whether immunity is specifically given to healthcare providers, manufacturers or distributors of personal protective equipment, businesses in general, and owners of premises.
To view the USLAW NETWORK COVID-19 Immunity Chart, click HERE.
To see the complete list of USLAW compendia, click HERE.