USLAW NETWORK Foundation hosts virtual job fair today

POSTED JULY 24, 2024

The 2024 USLAW NETWORK Virtual Job Fair for Diverse Law School Students is happening today. More than 20 USLAW member firms and over 450 law school students representing nearly 100 ABA-accredited law schools from across the U.S. are scheduled to participate.

“We are pleased to once again create the opportunity for law students and future lawyers to connect with our members to learn more about the firms and explore a variety of potential summer or full-time positions,” said Oscar J. Cabanas, Chair of the USLAW NETWORK Foundation Board of Directors, a shareholder in Wicker Smith‘s Miami office and one of the firm’s four managing partners. “I am an advocate for these opportunities since our firm has enjoyed recent success in hiring several great candidates through this process.”

The job fair offers opportunities to connect law school candidates focused on diversity to USLAW member law firms. Rising 2L and 3L law school students from an underrepresented population and background, and/or who demonstrate a defined commitment to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, or social justice in their communities or within their academic career are eligible to participate and seek summer associate and/or full-time positions.

To learn more about the annual virtual job fair, click here.

About USLAW NETWORK Foundation

The USLAW NETWORK Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization created exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including funding scholarships to provide financial assistance and an annual virtual job fair. Click here for more information.


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