Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
S-E-A, Ltd. expands partnership with USLAW NETWORK
USLAW NETWORK is pleased to announce that S-E-A, Ltd., USLAW’s 10-year Corporate Partner for Forensic Engineering, has agreed to also be USLAW’s Official Legal Visualization Services sponsor.
S-E-A offers the unique combination of 44 years of forensic engineering expertise with cutting-edge technology that will lend credibility and offer clarity to the most complex of matters. Photo Realistic Animations, 3D Camera Matching, Video Editing and Composting, Visualizing 3D Scan Data, Accurate 3D Models, Graphic Visualization and Biomechanics and Motion Capture analysis are all part of the impressive repertoire of these sophisticated services.
To view some of S-E-A’s visualization exemplars click S-E-A.