Pro Bono Week at Hanson Bridgett Goes Barbie: “Every Day is Pro Bono Day!”


In Barbie Land, every day is the best day ever. In Hanson Bridgett Land, “Every Day is Pro Bono Day!” Such was the Barbie-inspired theme for the firm’s Pro Bono Week, which ran from October 23-27. Festivities included announcing the firm’s annual Pro Bono Award winners, a silent auction with fantastic prizes, and lively receptions at several offices.

Most of all, Pro Bono Week is a fun and creative way to raise much-needed funds for the firm’s nonprofit partner organizations while getting inspired about the important pro bono legal services offered year-round by Hanson Bridgett attorneys and legal professionals. This year, the firm raised more than $35,000 for its partner organizations through its annual silent auction and pledge drive.

“Pro Bono Week is an opportunity for us to celebrate those who led the charge on making this impactful work part of our everyday legal practice,” said partner Samir Abdelnour, director of pro bono and social impact. “And, we threw a party where folks could get together and dress up (Barbie theme encouraged!), play trivia, and generally celebrate our collective commitment to using our legal skills to help those in need. It was quite a week!”

And the winners are…

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