Now available: USLAW Magazine Fall 2023


What’s inside this issue?

In the current issue of USLAW Magazine, you will find articles that address the National Labor Relations Board’s ground-shaking decision in McLaren Macomb and its impact on current, past and future severance agreements. Also, you will see topics that address the extraterritorial application of the Lanham Act, water rights in agricultural transactions, how medical factoring companies impact your case, security and safety in the retail and hospitality industry, and more. To access the full magazine, click here or see the individual article links below.

USLAW Magazine also includes a USLAW NETWORK member directory with key firm contacts from across the NETWORK, plus recent trial successes, transactions, member industry honors and pro bono efforts.

Article line-up

USLAW Magazine is a quarterly magazine with articles written by attorneys from USLAW member firms as well as industry-leading corporate partners. Each issue is produced and designed to address legal and business issues facing commercial and corporate clients.

To see previous issues of USLAW Magazine, click here.

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