New Reinsurance Deskbook from Thomson Reuters and DRI features Thomas Segalla as Editor, seven Goldberg Segalla contributors


BUFFALO, N.Y., DECEMBER 2014 –Goldberg Segalla founding partner Thomas F. Segalla led the team of lawyers who wrote the inaugural edition of the Reinsurance Professional’s Deskbook: A Practical Guide, a new treatise co-produced by leading legal publisher Thomson Reuters and DRI – The Voice of the Defense Bar, the largest organization of defense lawyers in the country.  Goldberg Segalla is a USLAW member firm.

The Reinsurance Professional’s Deskbook is a comprehensive resource that explores in depth traditional insurance and reinsurance concepts as well as emerging trends in today’s insurance markets, with a focus on practical assessment and application to address the toughest challenges facing insurance, reinsurance, and legal professionals.

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