Jump start 2015 with FREE USLAW webinars Jan. 13, 14 & 20


USLAW NETWORK hosts several webinars each month to inform, educate and share knowledge about the latest laws and legal trends. Our January 2015 kick-off webinars put a focus on social media monitoring, language differences in legal arena and data breaches.  Save the dates and join USLAW for the following USLAW EduNet Webinars hosted by USLAW members, practice groups and corporate partners.

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015 from 1-2 p.m. ET

Social media monitoring: how to utilize social media, the Internet and technology to benefit your cases
Brought to you by USLAW Corporate Partner Marshall Investigative Group

Webinar overview
The vast reach of the Internet and the ever-changing world of social media intersects our lives in so many ways. This 2015 kickoff webinar will focus on the role social media plays in investigations and surveillance. You will learn insights, tips and techniques that will improve your search on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Keep in mind, though, that the Internet isn’t just social media. We also will discuss how to use Google technology to better enhance your chances of finding witnesses, plaintiff’s and others. The digital world makes many things global so we will include an analysis of foreign social media and how it helps in combating a case here in the USA. The presentation will also address social media monitoring and how monitoring plaintiff’s social media can help improve your chances of obtaining information that will produce a better outcome on surveillance or provide a photo or post of value.

Whether it is an insurance claim or an employment issue or anything in between, having the knowledge of how social media can help you will benefit you, your clients and your cases.  If you want to learn how to utilize social media, the Internet and technology to help your cases, sign up today.

Doug Marshall, President, Marshall Investigative Group

Space is limited.
Register for Jan. 13 webinar.

Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 from 1-2 p.m. ET

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus – Language Differences in the Legal Arena
Men and women communicate differently, and these gender differences require specialized strategies in the world of litigation. This webinar will identify the communication differences between men and women and discuss how those differences can translate into effective and winning strategies in a variety of legal settings, including mediations, settlement discussions, legal arguments and trial. Differing perspectives will be offered from both female trial lawyers and clients who have not only identified the communications differences, but have utilized them to their advantage to achieve their clients’ goals.

Mary Beth Howard, Assistant Vice President Specialty Claims, American Modern Insurance Group, Amelia, Ohio
Robyn McGrath, Sweeney & Sheehan, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tanya Petermann, SmithAmundsen LLC, Chicago, Ill.
Moira Pietrowski, Roetzel & Andress LPA, Akron, Ohio

Space is limited.
Register for Jan. 14 webinar.

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015 from 1-2 p.m. ET

Data Breaches: Insurance Coverage and Recovery of Costs for Cyber Liabilities

Webinar overview
Data breaches and cyber liability present significant risks for businesses. The cost of defending and remedying a data breach can be staggering. Target recently reported more than $235 million in gross expenses related to its 2013 data breach. Fortunately, Target was able to recover $90 million of that expense from insurance coverage it purchased to protect itself against such exposures.

Target’s experience is only one of many. A data breach can rear its head in many forms (e.g., laptop loss, hacking, and employee theft). Businesses must not only engage in vigorous loss prevention but should be continually evaluating and updating the insurance protection they have in place to protect against these potentially catastrophic risks.

Insurance protection for cyber risks may be available from several types of coverage. Cyber liability policies are available on the market and can offer a tailored layer of protection. These specialized policies are rapidly evolving. Coverage may also be available under more traditional insurance products (e.g., Commercial General Liability, Directors & Officers, or crime/fidelity policies).

This discussion, led by experienced insurance counsel and a business that has purchased cyber coverage, will cover topics including:

    • What sort of coverage should be purchased?


    • What are the key coverages that insureds should insist on when purchasing cyber insurance coverage?


    • How are courts treating requests for coverage for data breaches?


    • Potential sources of recovery for data breaches through indemnification and third-party actions


John M. Bjorkman, Larson * King LLP, St. Paul, Minn.
John Bradley, U.S. Bank, Minneapolis, Minn.
Shawn M. Raiter, Larson * King LLP, St. Paul, Minn. 

Space is limited.
Register for Jan 20 webinar.

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