Immersion Legal named official jury consulting partner of USLAW NETWORK


Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting partner of USLAW NETWORK.

“We are excited to work with Christina Marinakis and her team at Immersion, who bring experienced jury consultants plus data-driven insights and themes to support our members’ litigation work,” said USLAW Chair Kenneth B. Wingate of Sweeny, Wingate & Barrow, P.A. in South Carolina. “Many of us have worked with Christina previously, and we look forward to welcoming her team to USLAW.”

Immersion Legal consultants provide coverage from coast to coast with consultants and research associates in Los Angeles, Baltimore, New York City, Charleston, Tulsa, Dallas, Denver, Charlotte, Boston, Oakland, and Sacramento.

“I am thrilled to be reuniting with the USLAW family and am looking forward to introducing you all to my incredible team of jury consultants and research associates,” said Christina Marinakis, J.D., Psy.D., CEO of Immersion Legal Jury. “We are dedicated to offering a high level of excellence at an affordable cost that is tailored to your client’s needs, and we promise to have a lot of fun along the way.”

The primary contacts for USLAW matters are:

(click the image for additional contact information.)

Through carefully crafted mock trials and focus groups, Immersion’s team of jury consultants meticulously analyzes juror feedback to arm litigators with data-driven insights and powerfully pithy themes. When cases proceed to trial, we leverage cutting-edge jury selection techniques to optimize success in the courtroom. For more information, visit

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