Does Your Additional Insured Endorsement Cover You for Damages Related to Drywall, Gypsum Board or Similar Products?

POSTED MAY 18, 2015

A special to USLAW NETWORK and USLAW DigiKnow

Reprint courtesy of the National Association of Home Builders

Builders routinely require subcontractors to name the builder as an additional insured on the subcontractor’s general liability policy. Prudent builders go even further to assure that they are actually covered as additional insureds for latent defect claims.
They specify the scope of coverage the builder must receive as an additional insured, and they verify that they have received the necessary coverage by checking the certificate of insurance provided by the subcontractor.

The builder who does not take these simple measures may be unpleasantly surprised by how little coverage he or she has as an additional insured. The forms of coverage for additional insureds vary widely, and the extent to which the subcontractor’s policy actually covers the builder depends on the specific language of the additional insured endorsement and any exclusions that are added to the policy purchased by the subcontractor….Click HERE to read more.

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