Cyber security, regulatory risk, compliance programs hot topics at USLAW events

POSTED JUNE 20, 2014

In the shadows of the world’s largest financial and media market – New York – general counsel, business and legal leaders and outside counsel from across the country recently gathered for the USLAW General Counsel Global Symposium, Professional Liability Exchange and Employment & Labor Law Exchange, respectively, in Jersey City, N.J. The events featured discussions on the most significant legaRM7910B NJ COVERS_Layout 1l issues facing today’s business leaders, including cyber security and enterprise risk management among other key topics. Prominent general counsel and business leaders from national and multinational companies as well as leading USLAW member outside counsel from a cross-section of practice areas and jurisdictions participated in the events.

“The cross section of industries represented created terrific discussions on issues facing general counsel, risk managers and other business professionals,” said Roger M. Yaffe, CEO of USLAW NETWORK. “There were great presentations that delivered ready-to-implement steps to help them manage these critical legal issues. We look forward to hosting the next installment in the Exchange series later this year in Las Vegas.” Печать

George Shelton, who previously led the Reputation Management Team at Walmart, delivered the General Counsel Global Symposium keynote address on crisis management, communications and strategic planning in both a corporate and political environment. Focusing on the intersection of communications and legal priorities, Shelton guided the audience through several case studies on managing legal matters on local and global scales.

News headlines remind us every day of challenges and threats facing national and multinational firms. From technology to personnel to regulations to security, companies are faced with innumerable influences impacting the business environment. Mary Galligan, a managing director with Deloitte and Touche, LLP and formerly a 25-year FBI agent in charge of special operations/cyber division, delivered an insider’s look at cyber threats and practical steps for preparation, including management processes, risk reporting, and governance models.

Discussions ranged from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and company compliance offices to BYOD programs, spear phishing, legal malpractice, tripartite relationship in EPL cases, technology’s impact on the insurance industry and the practice of law and more. Attendees discussed trending topics not only for onsite conversation, but also to take back to their leadership teams to further strengthen legal management plans and strategies.

The next events in the Exchange series are the USLAW Construction Law Exchange and USLAW Retail Law Exchange on Oct. 28 in Las Vegas. Click HERE for more information about these and other USLAW events.

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