Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 USLAW NETWORK Foundation Law School Scholarship Program. The scholarship… Continue Reading
COVID King: Investigating and Defending the Liability Mayhem and Madness (Part 2)
As government officials throughout the country debate re-opening businesses to the public, insurance and risk management professionals must prepare to face a variety of COVID-19 related liability claims. Given the rarity of global pandemics, companies and organizations of all types likely have not previously considered how accepted standards of care will be handled in emergency circumstances. Executive Orders and CDC guidelines may play a significant role in how negligence claims are investigated and defended. This two-part USLAW webinar will address both investigating and defending these unprecedented COVID-19 claims and share best practices on how to best address these unique challenges and mitigate exposure.
Topics covered will include:
• What are the potential liability claims
• How do Executive Orders and CDC guidelines affect potential liability
• What causation issues may arise
• What to expect regarding experts
– Tamara Goorevitz, Franklin & Prokopik, P.C., Baltimore, MD
– Michael Kunsch, Sweeney & Sheehan, P.C., Philadelphia, PA
— Jill Leibold, Ph.D., Director Jury Research, Litigation Insights, Los Angeles, CA