2021 USLAW NETWORK State Judicial Profiles by County Report released


USLAW NETWORK has released the 2021 edition of its State Judicial Profiles by County resource, a 50-state comprehensive report that offers a judicial profile of each county in the U.S. and identifies counties as Conservative, Moderate or Liberal. The profiles also include key recent court decisions that have changed the legal landscape for the state. This level of jurisdictional awareness of the court and juries on a county-by-county basis assists attorneys and their clients in successfully operating legal challenges throughout the United States.

Tips for viewing and downloading the USLAW NETWORK State Judicial Profiles by County

You can view the state/county judicial profiles on your tablet, mobile device or even download and save it to your desktop for future reference.

    1. To view it in full screen, select the “full screen” icon on the bottom right of the window.


    1. To share the resource with colleagues and clients or post on social media, select the Share icon in the bottom left of the screen.


    1. To download the PDF file to your desktop, choose the Download icon in the middle bottom of the screen.


TIP: you can bookmark the site or select pages for future reference.

For direct access to a PDF version, click HERE.

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