Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
A Message From The CEO
“As CEO of the USLAW NETWORK since its founding in 2001, I’ve witnessed a great deal of change in the legal environment; however, nothing as dramatic as the initiative to create a more diverse, inclusive and equitable law community.
According to U.S. News & World Report, in 2019 roughly 62% of law students were white, 12.7% Hispanic, 7.8% black and 6.3% Asian along with 4% describing themselves as biracial or multiracial. Among the ABA-accredited law schools, the statistics are worse. This may be caused from opportunity gaps, lack of income or inadequate outreach.
USLAW NETWORK, working closely with our Diversity Council, is dedicated to being a part of the change and providing opportunities for diverse law students. We have created the USLAW NETWORK Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization solely focused on providing opportunities to assist diverse law school students achieve their goals.
USLAW NETWORK is ideally suited to make an impact as we have member firms across the United States and are well on our way to developing close relationships with ABA-accredited law schools across the country.
We are seeking donations, contributions, and grants in order to continue to provide deserving diverse law school students opportunities and expand the impact of the USLAW NETWORK in this critical initiative. If you are looking for a way to give back, either as an individual or with a company, please consider the USLAW NETWORK Foundation in your charitable planning.”