Lew R.C. Bricker

  • Undergrad School: University of Illinois - History
  • Law School: University of Illinois - Law
Headshot of Lew R.C. Bricker
Firm: Amundsen Davis LLC
150 North Michigan
Suite 3300
Chicago IL 60601
United States

Lew Bricker is the managing partner of Amundsen Davis and a lead partner of the firm's Transportation & Logistics Service Group. He oversees a team providing comprehensive litigation and transactional services to the transportation industry. Lew's clients include motor carriers, logistics providers, product manufacturers, retailers, distributors and their insurers. He represents many clients in commercial and contract disputes and counsels clients on best risk mitigation practices, business structure, management and marketing practices in the transportation, retail and manufacturing industries. Lew was 2016-2017 chair of USLAW NETWORK and currently serves on the NETWORK’s board of directors. In 2008, he served as the chair of the USLAW Transportation Practice Group. He designed and coordinated the USLAW Transportation Motor Carrier Boot Camp, a training program for transportation lawyers. He has been selected a BTI Client All Star, a Thomson Reuters Stand-Out Lawyer," and a Best Lawyer in Transportation Law.

USLAW Practice Group Affiliations

  • Business Litigation and Class Actions: Primary
  • Complex Tort and Product Liability: Primary
  • Cross-Border Transactions: Alternate 1
  • Transportation and Logistics: Primary

Resources & Articles

In his own words: Trey” B.G. Sandoval III

In his own words: Trey” B.G. Sandoval III

Posted August 15, 2023

In his own words... “Trey” B.G. Sandoval III - Shareholder, MehaffyWeber As national counsel for a Fortune 300 energy company, I have sent 30+ cases to USLAW NETWORK members, each with excellent results. Some are small matters that have been handled in short form, but some, like a recent case,… Continue Reading

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