Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Brian K. Terry
Las Vegas NV 89125
United States
Brian Terry is a senior partner of Thorndal Armstrong, PC. His legal work involves representing professionals in civil litigation, including the medical, legal, accounting and engineering fields, defending manufactures in the product liability arena, as well as representing business entities in complex commercial/business litigation in state and federal courts. Mr. Terry is a court appointed short trial judge in the eight judicial district, serving the southern part of Nevada, as well as a court appointed arbitrator in the mandatory arbitration process in Nevada. He also is retained as a private mediator in commercial and tort disputes. He lectures routinely on product liability trends as well as other practice areas. Mr. Terry is a member of the State Bar of Nevada, the American Bar Association, the Defense Research Institute and the Claims & Litigation Management Alliance, and practices in all federal and state courts in Nevada.
USLAW Practice Group Affiliations
- Business Litigation and Class Actions: Primary
- Labor and Employment: Alternate 1
- Professional Liability: Primary
- Workers’ Compensation: Alternate 2