Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Lexia Attorneys Ltd.
Lönnrotinkatu 11
Helsinki, FI-00120
Phone: +358 104 244 200
Fax: +358 104 244 21
About this Firm
Lexia Attorneys is an independent full-service law firm and the fastest growing attorney-at-law offices in Finland offering expertise in domestic and international business law. Founded in 2007 with its roots in 1996, Lexia wants to do things differently than other law firms – Lexia is genuinely proactive and customer oriented legal partner.
The core of Lexia consists of strong legal professionalism combined with understanding the goals and strategies of the client’s business. The firm is committed to constantly updating its industry expertise and business intelligence to be able to provide industry specific best practices.
Lexia is especially acknowledged in the following practice areas: TMT, intellectual property, dispute resolution, banking and finance, corporate and M&A.
Areas of Practice
- Appellate Law
- Banking and Financial Services
- Business Transactions/Mergers and Acquisitions
- Commercial and Business Contracts
- Construction Law
- Environmental & Toxic/Mass Tort
- Franchise
- Gaming Law
- Healthcare Law
- IP and Technology
- Information Technology
- Insurance Law
- International Business and trade
- Media and Communications
- Premises Liability
- Private Equity
- Product Liability
- Public Utilities and Administrative
- Real Estate
- Religious Institutions
- Retail and Hospitality Law
- Securities Litigation
- Sports
- Telecommunications
- Transportation and Logistics
Resources & Articles

TELFA releases 2023 European Whistleblower Jurisdictional Overview
The Trans European Law Firms Alliance (TELFA) recently released the 2023 TELFA Whistleblower Jurisdictional Overview to help convey at a high level the different approaches and traditions in the 16 listed member states (see last page). USLAW established a mutual relationship with TELFA in 2007. Background on the EU Whistleblower… Continue Reading