Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Laffey, Leitner & Goode LLC
325 East Chicago Street, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53202
United States
Phone: (414) 312-7003
Fax: (414) 755-7089
- Office: (414) 312-7181
- Cell: (414) 477-1277
- Home: (414) 837-5465
- Fax: (414) 755-7089
About this Firm
Relentless. Inspired. Committed. Authentic. Our team of professionals share an almost fanatical commitment to practicing Law as a means of balancing the unbalanced, leveling the unleveled, and bringing big-time results to you, our client.
We want the hardest problems you can throw at us. There is nothing we love more than diving deep into complex litigation and disputes. We will solve your problems, no matter how large or how small. This team thrives under pressure, so pile it on.
Our team of battle-tested attorneys brings an unmatched drive and determination to every client. We don’t rest on our laurels. We innovate and create new solutions to produce winning results. We bring order and symmetry to chaos and complexity. We love what we do.
Lots of firms talk about being responsive; we live it. Our commitment to serving our clients fundamentally shapes how we view and practice law. We aren’t just there for you, we are there with you . . . at 2AM on Thanksgiving morning with serious solutions to serious problems. “Responsive” just doesn’t cut it.
We are human beings. While we thrive under incredible challenges and difficult circumstances, we also care deeply about the people we work with and represent. We have dogs and cats, favorite teams and favorite bands; we even have hobbies and interests outside of taking depositions and writing briefs. Being authentic also means that we recognize our clients are people too. We understand them, and we know them.
Areas of Practice
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Appellate Law
- Auto Liability
- Business Litigation and Class Actions
- Civil Rights
- Commercial and Business Contracts
- Constitutional Law
- Construction Law
- Election and Campaign Finance Law
- Environmental & Toxic/Mass Tort
- Franchise
- IP and Technology
- Information Technology
- Insurance Law
- Labor and Employment
- Life, Health and Disability
- Media and Communications
- Premises Liability
- Product Liability
- Professional Liability
- Real Estate
- Religious Institutions
- Retail and Hospitality Law
- Shareholder/Partner/Member Disputes
- Subrogation
- Trade Regulation/Advertising
- Trademark and Patent Law
- Transportation and Logistics
- Trust and Estates
Primary USLAW Practice Group Contacts
Mark M. Leitner
United States
Joseph S. Goode
United States
Jack J. Laffey
United States
John W. Halpin
United States
Sarah Thomas Pagels
United States
Mark M. Leitner
United States
Mark M. Leitner
United States
Mark M. Leitner
United States
Sarah Thomas Pagels
United States
Mark M. Leitner
United States
John W. Halpin
United States
Jack J. Laffey
United States
Jack J. Laffey
United States
Joseph S. Goode
United States
Resources & Articles

New leadership | Complex Tort and Product Liability Practice Group
We are pleased to announce a leadership update for the USLAW NETWORK Complex Tort and Product Liability Practice Group. Jack J. Laffey of Laffey, Leitner & Goode LLC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, takes over as Chair of the group. Stephen J. Marshall of Franklin & Prokopik, P.C. in Baltimore, Maryland, is the vice chair, and Nicholas A.… Continue Reading