USLAW NETWORK will be offering CLE credit for attorneys and CE credit for adjustors. All states are currently pending for CLE. For CE, application has been made to Florida and Texas only. We have partnered with CEU Institute as our CE/CLE provider to manage all credits: Should you have questions, please contact
Gaining Mentors and Becoming One
Most of the time we cannot reach our goals without some help. Unfortunately, many women have found it difficult to gain assistance in the form of a mentor to continue to climb the corporate ladder to their desired position. Furthermore, once we as women have gained powerful positions it is our responsibility to be accessible as mentors to women and men to showcase women as leaders and continue to bring more women into that realm. How can women find the right mentors and continue to act as mentors as we enter more senior roles? How can we amplify one another to ensure credit is being recognized? This session will also address the benefits of strong mentoring and the importance it can have in developing and maintaining client relationships.
- Lisa D. Angelo, Murchison & Cumming, LLP (Los Angeles, CA)
- Sarah Thomas Pagels, Laffey, Leitner & Goode LLC (Milwaukee, WI)
- Jessica Sanderson, Roetzel & Andress (Cleveland, OH)
- Alexandra C. Wells, Lashly & Baer, P.C. (St. Louis, MO)
Finding and Owning Your Voice
What does it mean for women to have a “voice” in meetings or within their organization? Many women consistently feel less effective in meetings than in other business situations. Some say their voices are ignored or overlooked while others point to an inability to find their way into conversations. How can women navigate perceptions around assertiveness in the workplace while owning their voice? This session will also discuss various leadership styles that can be effective in the workplace.
- Hailey M. Hopper, Pierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger & Green, L.L.P. (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Meghan A. Litecky, Dysart Taylor (Kansas City, MO)
- Kelsey N.H. Mayo, Poyner Spruill LLP (Charlotte, NC)
- Elizabeth Noonan, Adler Pollock & Sheehan, P.C. (Providence, RI)
Beyond the Balancing Act
For decades, we have promoted the notion of work-life balance, but with changing times, it is critical that we focus more so on work-life integration. Work-life integration is centered on the belief that there is no distinction between the two and that both must coexist in harmony. Everyone is facing different scenarios between balancing personal and professional lives. What are best practices in creating an environment that allows for a healthy distinction between work and home life? How can women continue to support one another? What self-empowering techniques can help you “keep it all together” and navigate daily stressors and life challenges with greater ease and balance. This session will discuss using food as a medicine, keeping the body in motion, quieting negative self-chatter, and setting personal goals to create a style of living for personal well-being.

Lisa D. Angelo
Murchison & Cumming, LLP
(Los Angeles, CA)

Julie A. Brennan
Pion, Nerone, Girman, Winslow & Smith, P.C. (Pittsburgh, PA)

Hailey M. Hopper
Pierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger & Green, L.L.P.
(Oklahoma City, OK)

Meghan A. Litecky
Dysart Taylor
(Kansas City, MO)

Kelsey N.H. Mayo
Poyner Spruill LLP (Charlotte, NC)

Elizabeth Noonan
Adler Pollock & Sheehan, P.C. (Providence, RI)

Jessica Sanderson
Roetzel & Andress
(Cleveland, OH)

Alison H. Sausaman
Carr Allison
(Tallahassee, FL)

Sarah Thomas Pagels
Laffey, Leitner & Goode, LLC
(Milwaukee, WI)

Alexandra C. Wells
Lashly & Baer, P.C.
(St. Louis, MO)

Margot N. Wilensky
Connell Foley LLP (New York, NY)