Winter 2023


Managing Partner Forum

February 16 - 17, 2023 | Grand Hyatt DFW | Dallas, Texas

Please Attend a Very Important Winter 2023 USLAW NETWORK Managing Partner Forum

USLAW NETWORK invites you to attend the Winter 2023 USLAW NETWORK Managing Partner Forum scheduled for February 16-17, 2023, at the Grand Hyatt DFW in Dallas, Texas.

This is a very important Managing Partner Forum for USLAW, and we encourage you to arrange your schedule to attend. The program has been established to allow you to fly into DFW Airport the morning of Thursday, February 16, stay one evening, and depart on the afternoon of Friday, February 17. The hotel is connected to the airport via the airport’s Skylink tram.

Why is this meeting so important? Twenty-one years ago, USLAW was founded with the express mission to form a network of like-minded firms that would focus exclusively on building top-line revenue by generating new business and referrals for its membership. We believe we have been successful in that mission and will continue to make that our top priority.

Subsequently, in 2013, the USLAW NETWORK Managing Partner Forum was formed. The mission of the Forum was to share information and best practices among a group of non-competitive law firms joined together by their common affinity through USLAW. One of the ancillary goals of the Forum has been to assist firms to reduce overall expense/overhead due to this sharing of information and experiences from other USLAW firms. When the Managing Partner Forum was created, one of our former USLAW NETWORK Chair suggested that he would use information gleaned from the Forum to assist his firm to reduce expense/overhead for his firm by $5,000 per attorney.

We believe that not-only can USLAW focus on growing top-line revenue for our member firms but also help firms reduce their expense lines. Doing both makes USLAW and its membership that much more valuable.


Shared Resources

One of the key areas of focus at this February’s Managing Partner Forum will be to discuss how USLAW can serve in this role more prominently and to explore tangible ideas and proposals to 1) share resources, 2) explore new group purchasing opportunities, and 3) build relationships with vendors that can benefit our member firms. We will discuss immediate opportunities as well as create a path for future ones. The more USLAW firms in attendance with their managing partner or members of their management committee, the more input each of you will have and will help USLAW leave Dallas with a clear direction and plan to proceed.

Obtaining and Retaining Talent

The other point of emphasis for this Forum will be “Obtaining and Retaining Talent.” It is a universal issue facing leaders of law firms especially after COVID-19. We’ve talked to many of you, and all have stated to us that this is at or near the top of the list of “issues keeping you up at night.” The three areas of discussion that will comprise this topic will include:

• Why and Where is Talent Going? How Are You Creating New Leaders/Transitioning Management?
• Outside Versus In-House Recruiters
• Downsizing and Other Radical Solutions




February 16



12:30 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.


12:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Registration Open

2:00 P.M. - 2:15 P.M.

Welcome by USLAW Chair and Introductions

2:15 P.M. - 5:30 P.M.

Day One Sessions

6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Dinner at The Dallas Star


February 17



7:00 A.M. - 8:00 A.M.


8:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.

Day Two Sessions

11:00 A.M.

Meeting Concludes


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