Immersion Legal Jury LLC, a nationally based jury consulting firm, has been named the official jury consulting… Continue Reading
Commitment to Diversity
From the beginning of our organization, USLAW NETWORK has championed the cause of racial equality. We believe in the words of Dr. King, that people should be judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. We support peaceful efforts to bring about an end to racism and bigotry in all its forms and look forward to the day when all Americans can live in peace and freedom. – Statement from USLAW NETWORK in support of racial diversity (June 2020)
A Message From the USLAW NETWORK CEO
As a national and global network, it is imperative that our organization is comprised of individuals who mirror the diversity of the communities in which we serve. The USLAW NETWORK Foundation Board of Directors and Diversity Advisory Committee leads the way in helping the NETWORK address the important issues of diversity and inclusion as they relate to our member firms, practice groups and clients. The Committee provides a forum within USLAW that allows our stakeholders to collaborate and exchange best practices in matters relating to recruitment, hiring and retention of diverse attorneys and staff, and to help facilitate a diverse and inclusive culture within USLAW.
USLAW has established the USLAW NETWORK Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including funding scholarships to provide financial assistance to law school students pursuing a legal education at an American Bar Association-accredited U.S. law school and are from an underrepresented population and background and/or demonstrate a defined commitment to issues of diversity and inclusion in their communities or within their academic career.
USLAW NETWORK Diversity Advisory Committee Leadership
Sheryl J. Willert
United States
Merton A. Howard
United States
Earl W. Houston, II
United States
Noble F. Allen
United States