USLAW NETWORK will be offering national CLE credit for attorneys and CE credit for TX and FL adjusters (reciprocal with other states). All states are currently pending. We have partnered with CEU Institute as our CE/CLE provider to manage all credits: Should you have questions, please contact



Navigating the Impact of AI for Corporate Legal Departments (Combined with Business Litigation and Class Actions Track)

AI-powered tools and technologies have revolutionized various aspects of legal practice, including legal research and case management, but how much further should or could these tools provide? This session will discuss AI’s role in streamlining workflows, enhancing accuracy and delivering legal services more cost-effectively; however, we will also discuss the ethical and legal issues and their implications.


Guarding the Digital Realm: Trends in Data Privacy and Security Law (Combined Session with Business Transactions and M&A Track and Business Litigation and Class Actions Track)

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face a myriad of cyber risks, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and regularory penalties for non-compliance with privacy and data security laws. This interactive session will review the latest developments and provide best practice suggestions for protecting assets, maintaining sutomer trust, and mitigating the financial and reputational consequences of cyber incidents.



Transforming Human Resources with AI: Innovations, Applications, and Ethical Considerations

As AI continues to evolve, its applications within HR are revolutionizing the way organizations manage talent, streamline process, and enhance employee experiences. This interactive session will address how AI-driven tools are reshaping recruitment and talent acquisition as well as its customization capability tailored to individual learning styles and needs for employee training and onboarding. This session will also examine how AI is being used to assess employee performance through continuous feedback mechanisms and predictive analysis as well as the ethical implications of AI-driven employee monitoring and ensuring transparency and fairness. We will also explore AI solutions designed to boost employee engagement and improve employee well-being.

Burning Issues and Case Updates in Product Liability, Including AI-Automation (Combined with Complex Tort and Product Liability Track)

This session will highlight recent noteworthy developments that have occurred in prodict liability cases across various industries, such as but not limited to trending cases in glyphosate, e-cigarettes, medical devices, CPSC recalls, electric vehicles, and more. We will discuss AI’s impact on a wide range of industries, including manufacturing – how AI-driven automation enhances production efficiency, affects quality control and predictive maintenance.




Navigating the Impact of AI for Corporate Legal Departments (Combined Session with AI Track)

AI-powered tools and technologies have revolutionized various aspects of legal practice, including legal research and case management, but how much further should or could these tools provide? This session will discuss AI’s role in streamlining workflows, enhancing accuracy and delivering legal services more cost-effectively; however, we will also discuss the ethical and legal issues and their implications.


Guarding the Digital Realm: Trends in Data Privacy and Security Law (Combined Session with AI Track and Business Transactions and M&A Track)

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face a myriad of cyber risks, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and regulatory penalties for non-compliance with privacy and data security laws. This interactive session will review the latest developments and provide best practice suggestions for protecting assets, maintaining customer trust, and mitigating the financial and reputational consequences of cyber incidents.



Exploring the Latest Trends and Cases in Class Actions

Class action litigation continues to evolve, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for legal practitioners, corporate counsel, and stakeholders across various industries. This session delves into the latest trends shaping the landscape of class action cases, offering valuable insights and strategies for effectively navigating this complex terrain.


Critical Succession Planning for Key 30(b)(6) Witnesses (Combined Session with Complex Tort and Product Liability Track)

Selecting, managing and training a 30(b)(6) witness is a critical aspect of litigation strategy to ensure effective representation of an organization’s interests; therefore, succession planning should not be ignored as an important piece of the process. This interactive session will discuss the impact of the lack of succession planning of a 30(b)(6) witness, including strategies for mitigating risk associated with turnover, promotion, or departure of key personnel and developing contingency plans and protocols for addressing unexpected changes in witness availability.


Strategies for Managing Litigation in Distribution Relationships

This session will dive into invaluable insights and practical guidance for navigating the complexities of distribution relationships and mitigating litigation risks, including contractual considerations, regulatory frameworks governing franchise and dealer relationships, intellectual property ownership and infringement, supply chain disruptions and more.




Insights Into Doing Business in Canada

As the USLAW NETWORK takes on Canada this week, it is fitting that we dive into the dynamic and welcoming environment for business ventures with Canadian companies. This interactive discussion will touch on the nuanced legal, regulatory and cultural landscape and provide valuable insights into navigating the complexities of cross-border business operations and collaborations, including trade agreements, tariffs, supply chain management, and more.


Guarding the Digital Realm – Trends in Data Privacy and Security Law (Combined Session with AI Track and Business Litigation and Class Actions Track)

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face a myriad of cyber risks, including data breaches, ransomware attacks, and regulatory penalties for non-compliance with privacy and data security laws. This interactive session will review the latest developments and provide best practice suggestions that can better protect their assets, maintain customer trust, and mitigate the financial and reputational consequences of cyber incidents.



Intricacies of Restrictive Covenants and Non-Compete Agreements (Combined with Labor and Employment Track)

Join us as we dive into the delicate dance of protecting your organization’s interests while fostering a positive and productive relationship with executive talent. We will discuss how to navigate the common pitfalls and challenges associated with enforcing restrictive covenants, such as employee mobility, changing business landscapes, and jurisdictional differences. We encourage all to share best practices as we explore emerging legal trends and developments impacting the enforceability of restrictive covenants and non-compete agreements.


Strategies for Success with Earnout Complexities

Earnouts are a critical component of many business transactions and while a valuable tool for aligning the interests of buyers and sellers, they can present a myriad of complexities that demand careful considerations. This session will offer practical strategies and best practices for navigating these complexities effectively from negotiating terms to managing post-acquisition integration.




Risk Management, Compliance and Response to “Forever Chemical” Claims

“Forever chemicals,” often referred to as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and ethylene oxide, present complex legal and regulatory challenges for both manufacturers and communities. This session will discuss the evolving landscape of these chemicals and explore effective strategies for response and mitigation. This interactive discussion will touch on approaches to addressing contamination as well as ethical considerations and corporate social responsibility.


Defending Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Claims with Brain Science

This interactive session will provide practical insights into how to apply brain science principles to specific fact patterns and legal scenarios involving TBIs. We will discuss how to analyze medical evidence, identify gaps in the plaintiff’s case, and develop effective defense strategies based on scientific principles while navigating the complex intersection of law and brain science in TBI claims.



Finding a Fair and Impartial Jury

The psychology of jury selection is complex because it involves the investigation of a potential juror’s mind and how they process information, their biases, personal experiences and histories, digital thumbprint, age, race, and many other facets. Given the escalation of nuclear verdicts in product liability cases, this session will explore how emotional appeals and other factors can sway jurors’ opinions and what best practices can be implemented to combat this behavior.


Critical Succession Planning for Key 30(b)(6) Witnesses (Combined Session with Business Litigation and Class Actions Track)

Selecting, managing and training a 30(b)(6) witness is a critical aspect of litigation strategy to ensure effective representation of an organization’s interests; therefore, succession planning should not be ignored as an important piece of the process. This interactive session will discuss the impact of the lack of succession planning of a 30(b)(6) witness, including strategies for mitigating risk associated with turnover, promotion, or departure of key personnel and developing contingency plans and protocols for addressing unexpected changes in witness availability.


Burning Issues and Case Updates in Product Liability, Including AI-Automation (Combined with Complex Tort and Product Liability Track)

This session will highlight recent noteworthy developments that have occurred in prodict liability cases across various industries, such as but not limited to trending cases in glyphosate, e-cigarettes, medical devices, CPSC recalls, electric vehicles, and more. We will discuss AI’s impact on a wide range of industries, including manufacturing – how AI-driven automation enhances production efficiency, affects quality control and predictive maintenance.




Evolving Labor Union Trends and Effective Bargaining Strategies

Navigating the ever-evolving labor union landscape, from the rise of gig economy workers to the impact of technological advancements on traditional labor practices, is a complex challenge. This interactive session will discuss legal framework trends in governing collective bargaining and labor relations, including joint employer issues, DEI and changing NLRB rules.


Navigating Hostility and Mitigating Toxicity in the Workplace

In today’s fast-paced and competitive corporate landscape, workplace hostility and toxic environments can severely hinder productivity, innovation, and employee well-being. This discussion will include managing performance in the wake of these concerns, the role of HR, legal departments, and outside investigators, assessing whether there are legitimate issues or simply the use of the latest buzzwords, what to do when a union is involved, and effective mitigation strategies.



Intricacies of Restrictive Covenants and Non-Compete Agreements (Combined with Business Transactions and M&A)

Join us as we dive into the delicate dance of protecting your organization’s interests while fostering a positive and productive relationship with executive talent. We will discuss how to navigate the common pitfalls and challenges associated with enforcing restrictive covenants, such as employee mobility, changing business landscapes, and jurisdictional differences. We encourage all to share best practices as we explore emerging legal trends and developments impacting the enforceability of restrictive covenants and non-compete agreements.


Is There a Definition of Accommodations?

Are employers obligated to modify and remove barriers to employment for all accommodations requested? This interactive session offers a comprehensive exploration of emerging trends in workplace accommodations. We will discuss the evolving legal landscape governing accommodations, including recent updates to disability rights legislation and advancements in accessibility standards. We will also explore the growing emphasis on mental health accommodations, including flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and mental health resources.



The Future of Diversity Initiatives in the Workplace

Join us in a dialogue about the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down race-conscious college admissions policies designed to maintain racially diverse student bodies. We’ll discuss new legal challenges to workplace diversity programs as a result of this case, how it has affected companies’ DEI/ESG initiatives, the potential legal risks and benefits of diversity efforts, and potential new paradigms to address diversity in the workplace.


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